Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Why must crops be sprayed? And when should pesticides must be used?

The need for crop protection by pesticides must be accurately assessed, possibly by scouting. Farmers without agronomic education should take such decisions after consultation with specialists. 
Taking decisions about feasibility of pesticides use in separate crop field, the economic thresholds of harmful organisms have to be considered in every case Pesticides should be used only when the amount of harmful organisms in crop field has thresholds of harm determined by scientific investigations.

Technology of pesticide use

Danger of different pesticides for human and nature depends a lot on chemical as
well as on physical characteristics of the pesticides. 
If there is a possibility to choose, then avoid those highly toxic and persistent pesticides that are of harmful for aquatic fauna and beneficial insects.

It is prohibited to use those pesticides that are not registered .

Do not use unregistered pesticides as they pose harm to the environment when sprayed . Using pesticides in this way only a part of preparations fall on treated
plants. Other part falls on soil or they are carried out by air masses to neighboring fields or water bodies. 
Because of that quality of spraying of crop fields with plant protection products
is an important index of good agriculture.

Farmers’ sprayers have to undergo a regular test and certification in order to ensure
their efficient function. Nozzles of a sprayer should be of equal discharge regulated
to spray the needed amount of solution. 
Pesticides should be sprayed on crop field evenly applying the determined amount of solution and preparation. As much as possible part of pesticides should fall on treated plants and there should not be left any non-sprayed or double-sprayed bands of crop field.

The type of sprayer, its preparation for operation, skills of operator and the quality of performed operations determine the quality of spraying.

It is important to check the sprayer and calibrate it before work season:

1. Choose nozzles of equal discharge. 2. For better and homogeneous application, establish an optimal boom height.

2.  2a – when spray patterns overlap; 2b – when spray
patterns do not overlap

Amount of sprayed solution per area unit has to be checked before starting the

Volume of pesticides must commensurate with the area to be covered. This would reduce chemical wastage. And any wastage should be flushed using clean water into a chemical waste pit, away from water bodies.

Correct laying out of landmarks before spraying guarantees that there will not remain any non-sprayed or double-sprayed bands

Spraying efficiency and work quality are determined also by meteorological
conditions, i.e. temperature, relative air humidity and especially wind speed . Spray field crops when wind speed is under 4m/sec.

The meteorological conditions have to meet requirements for the sprayer, which is
available. If weather is windy, crop fields should be sprayed in the early morning or late evening when the wind falls. Then probability that the preparation will be carried over the boundary of field is smaller and risk for beneficial insects is lower. It is not allowed to spray crop fields before rain or straight after rain .

Safe work and environmental protection using pesticides

All preparations used for plant protection are biologically active substances, more or less dangerous for humans and natural environment.
Crop protection preparations must carefully be carried out following work safety and environmental requirements .

1. Only qualified persons conversant with preparations and requirements of work safety may work with pesticides.

2. Only healthy persons who have health examination certificates can work with

3. It is necessary to use personal safety precautions and to follow rules of hygiene
during operations.

4. Use only correct, calibrated and checked prior to operations machines and
equipment for spraying of pesticides on crop fields and for dressing of seeds. New
sprayers must be certified and sprayers in use must be checked by technical

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